Dr. Jill M. Hackman receives 2018 President's Award

Dr. Jill M. Hackman, Executive Director of the Berks County Intermediate Unit, has been leading efforts to improve school safety and preparedness in the county since 2009, when she became involved with coordinating an annual Keeping Kids Safe Symposium for educators, first responders and other stakeholders. In 2013, she led an effort that brought numerous entities together and resulted in the adoption of an individualized All Hazards Plan by every school district in the county. In 2018 she worked with a law enforcement committee to improve communication between the schools and police in the county, which resulted in the compilation and distribution of a master contact list to provide school and law enforcement officials with their counterpart emergency contact information, making them readily accessible to one another in times of need. Finally, she has taken the lead on implementation of the CrisisGo app for Berks County, a technology platform making emergency plans and information more accessible and usable through current common-use technology. The commitment to safety and emergency preparedness, community relationship and partnership building, and innovation and problem solving demonstrated by these initiatives exemplify the mission and values of the Berks County Chiefs’ of Police Association, for which

 Dr. Jill M. Hackman

Is hereby awarded the prestigious

President’s Award

Of the Berks County Chiefs of Police Association this 18th day of December 2018